52 stories: #16 Kaos and our new colleague

Since 2016 Hichem has been living in Berlin Oberschöneweide. Before that he lived in Berlin Spandau, but he likes it here better. I met Hichem in the Café Kranbar, which I went to on the recommendation of N. from our story #9 Kein Funkloch in Oberschöneweide. Hichem tells me that the bar opened in 2017, that the building was built and that it is one of his favourite places in Treptow-Köpenick. Not far away is the Kaisersteg and the Lebanese buffet "Risani" which, according to Hichem, is the...

Weiterlesen: 52 stories: #16 Kaos...

“It wasn’t our choice to come here.”

“It wasn’t our choice to come here.” Those were some of the first words I heard as I arrived at Quittenweg refugee camp. A camp rich with many languages, cultures and religions and stories.Over the past few months I have been able to work with and among incredible people. Every day I get to learn more about a variety of countries, languages, cultural practices and the lives they had before coming to Germany and I realize that the title refugee is merely that. A title. By definition a...

Weiterlesen: “It wasn’t our choice...



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