52 Stories #25: The Living Library
"My favourite place is The Living Neighbourhood Library. There I meet very different people and exchange ideas with them. This allows us to improve our German, but above all to get to know each other. It's more of a space and can be in very different places in Treptow-Köpenick." (Aswad)
A living library consists of people instead of books – people with stories. Here, you will meet old and new neighbours who are new to Germany and/or have biographical ties to East Germany. You can tell them your story and listen to theirs – what do we have in common? What are the differences? What surprises you?The Living Neighbourhood Library works like a real library, only with real people. This means that committed neighbours offer (parts of) their life stories as “living books”. More information on "Die lebendige Kiezbibliothek": https://lebendige-kiezbibliothek.de/
Photo: offensiv'91 e.V.
Katha koordiniert InteraXion, Willkommensbüro und Wohnraumberatung für Menschen mit Migrations- und Fluchterfahrung in Treptow-Köpenick. Sie begleitet RawafedZusammenfluss von hauptamtlicher Seite. Journalistische Erfahrung konnte sie durch verschiedene Projekte der Jugendpresse und dem Studierendenmagazin UnAufgefordert sammeln. Wenn sie nicht nach neuen Geschichten sucht, tummelt sie sich in Boulderhallen.
Katha coordinates InteraXion, the welcome office for migrants* and refugees in Treptow-Köpenick and accompanies RawafedZusammenfluss through her work. She gained journalistic experience through various youth press projects and the student magazine UnAufgefordert. When she is not looking for new stories, she spends her time in bouldering halls.