Your Story - My Story

Our Story We all have a story. We can all share our stories with others. We can all find ourselves in the stories of others. With Stories we can dream and we can remember. Stories pick us up and take us where. Where exactly, each one knows for herself. The stories here are told by people from this district. They give insight into the places and memories that make up Treptow-Köpenick.I don't live in this district myself, but I would like to bring in a scrap too. My story My way home leads...

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The Language Barrier

This article was first published on October 15, 2018 Yesterday fireworks echoed around the city like thunderclaps, balloons floated through the sky until it was hard to distinguish them from the stars, and the people of Berlin materialized in happy rushes to celebrate Tag der Deutschen Einheit, or German Unity Day. This day of festivity, gathering, and making music commemorates the reunification of Germany in 1990, and it was my first time to be a part of it. A wall had divided Germany in two,...

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“It wasn’t our choice to come here.”

“It wasn’t our choice to come here.” Those were some of the first words I heard as I arrived at Quittenweg refugee camp. A camp rich with many languages, cultures and religions and stories.Over the past few months I have been able to work with and among incredible people. Every day I get to learn more about a variety of countries, languages, cultural practices and the lives they had before coming to Germany and I realize that the title refugee is merely that. A title. By definition a...

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Kahvaltının mutlulukla bir ilgisi olmalı

Breakfast should have something to do with happiness. Overheard in Istanbul, 2019   Frühstück sollte etwas mit Freude zu tun haben. Mitgehört in Istanbul, 2019   Photo : private  

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